My cousin had a baby last year.  She delivered 9 weeks early.  We were all pretty shocked when she went into labor.  Well, she had a baby boy and he weighed about 2 1/2 pounds.  He did very well fortunately.  So she decided that this year she would put together goody bags for moms whose babies are in the NICU during the holidays.  She has gotten quite a few donations.  My contribution is preemie hats.  I found this free pattern online so I thought I would share with you how to make one.

First, go here and print off the free pattern. This pattern is no longer available.  I found this one that is a lot like it.

Now, fold the fabric in half with wrong sides together and cut out the pattern.  Make sure it is stretchy where the fabric indicates.


Now fold the material with the right sides facing each other.


Now sew the material as the pattern indicates.


According to the pattern you should: Roll one end up around the outside of the other so that
the wrong sides are together and points are matching.  I find a picture to be helpful in understanding exactly what that says (it could just be me).


Adjust opening so that all of the seams match up in the middle top. Serge/sew a straight seam across the top through all layers.



Turn top seam to inside of hat.

Roll up bottom of hat to make brim.


And here is my daughter’s baby doll modeling the hat:


This is a really easy sewing project and very worthwhile.  I would advise calling your local hospital to see what their policies are regarding donations.

It is the tiniest little hat and so sweet.  I can’t imagine what those moms go through watching their little ones being so tiny and struggling.  I am very thankful my cousin’s son came through very well and is now a healthy 11 month old.


Also, if you are in the Indianapolis area and would like to donate something please leave me a comment and I will e-mail you with the details.

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