I will admit that I am not the authority on tag blankets.  I have made several so I thought I would share with you how I make them.  My friend Kelly gets full credit in showing me how to do this.  It is a pretty easy sewing project and it is a nice little gift for any new babies in your life.

Step 1 – pick out the material – something soft works best like the minky dot fabric you will see in my pictures.  Pick out your ribbons.

You will need:

2 14-inch squares of soft material

20 5 1/2-inch pieces of ribbon (some people may only use 12 you can decide)


You will want to wash and dry your material first.  I always do this.  After you have cut the material and ribbons you will place your material face up and fold your ribbons in half and pin them to the “good” side of the material.  You will pin them with the fold pointing towards the middle.


I basically try to space the ribbons about 2 inches apart.  Here is what it looks like when all the pinning is done:


Then you will want to pin the outsides of the material together (this means the backside will be showing while you sew).  You will want to sew about a half inch seem around the square and leave about a 3-4 inch opening so you can turn the blanket right side out.

Once you have turned the blanket right side out you will need to make sure the corners are completely pushed out (I know there is better wording I just can’t think of it right now).  You will now need to sew up your opening and you can do this by hand or with the machine.  I forgot to say that you will want to do a seam around the whole blanket now (about 1/2 inch).

That is about it; I hope I did not forget anything.  Here was my final product:



And yes, I know it is made of creamy white material.  I have one that I made for my daughter and she spilled chocolate milk on her’s and I washed it and it came right out.

I hope that helps you a little bit.  Feel free to correct me if I left anything out.

For more Works for Me Wednesday, please visit Rocks in my Dryer.